Leaks No More – Oil | (15 fl oz / 444 mL) HG2235s


  • Restores elasticity and returns seals and gaskets to original size to stop leaks.
  • Stops oil leakage through valve cover gaskets, oil pans, timing chains, and front and rear crankcase bearings.
  • Stops leaks through seals and gaskets of manual transmissions.
  • Can be used to stop leaks in industrial gear boxes.
  • Compatible with all oils – industrial, motor, mineral, synthetic, and diesel.
  • Stops leaks in 500 km or 300 miles.

Leaks No More is formulated to clean the varnish, gum, wear particles, and sediment from the face of the seal. Leaks No Morealso contains special chemicals that are absorbed by the seals and gaskets restoring their suppleness. If Leaks No More is used every six months, the seals’ and gaskets’ suppleness is maintained and oil leaks are prevented.

Additional information

Weight 201 kg