Bio-Clean Drain Opener 16 oz – Bio Enzymatic


A bio-enzymatic, non-caustic drain opener designed to lubricate and break down organic drain blockages and build-ups. A user-friendly formula that rapidly penetrates clogged drains, grease traps, sump and septic tanks. Husky 402 is an effective alternative to traditional acid and caustic drain openers.

Unclogs drains, grease traps, sump and septic tanks. Bio-Enzymatic & Non-Caustic. Septic Safe.

These drain cleaners work uniquely, in that they contain living organisms that feed on organic materials such as food scraps. Since this feeding process is much gentler than if you were to dump a potent chemical drain cleaner into your drain, you can expect enzymatic drain cleaners to work.

Additional information

Weight 301 kg