Amazing Goop All-Purpose Household Goop, 3.7-Ounce
E-6000 Self-Leveling Formula !!! Industrial strength !!!
Glass and Rubber Cement, Hardwood, Wood, Metals, Tile, Aluminum, Fabric Copper, Marble, Leather, Neoprene, Vinyl Most Plastics, Polycarbonate, Ceramic, Brick, Fiberglass, Linoleum, Waterproof Cloth, ABS, PVC, Brass And Many More
An indispensable maintenance tool, E-6000 allows the kind of permanent repair and maintenance of equipment that may have been too expensive or difficult in the past. Its strength in adhering metals, glass, rubber and plastics.
E-6000 is the jeweler’s glue of choice, and our favorite. It is a one-part epoxy, (meaning you don’t have to mix anything to make the glue — it just comes out of a tube).
Perfect for attaching findings to base metal and costume jewelry pieces. E-6000 is safe for use with virtually every type of gemstone and works on wood, leather, vinyl, and canvas.
Non-corrosive and self-leveling, E-6000 adheres in 5 to 10 minutes, and hardens to a clear, waterproof cure in 24 hours.
This means you have about 10 minutes to position and reposition whatever you are gluing. If you are making jewelry, you should let the piece dry “hard” overnight, before you wear it. We advise against using superglue for most jewelry-making projects. Superglue discolors stones. Superglue dries like glass, so its seal shatters like glass when piece is dropped. E6000 dries like rubber, so its seal acts like a shock absorber when a piece is dropped.